The Fruit of the Spirit Series

Total Episodes: 9

This is some text that will explain a high-level overview of the series, what kinds of videos will be found here, and how many videos are in the series.

  • Self-Control
    Episode: 1 of 9    |    Posted on: March 18, 2021

    ABOUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT SERIES At Perhaps Today we are excited to launch the 9-Part series about the fruit of the Spirit. The 5th chapter in the book of Galatians is well-known for this section. Many people have …

    Watch Episode 1: Self-Control
  • Belt of Truth
    Episode: 1 of 6    |    Posted on: April 30, 2023

    This is the Belt of Truth picture; this is the first post in the 6 episode series all about the armor of God. Stay tuned for a more detailed blog recap for this post.

    Watch Episode 1: Belt of Truth
  • Gentleness
    Episode: 2 of 9    |    Posted on: April 29, 2021

    MEEKNESS DOES NOT MEAN WEAKNESS When the Bible tells us to live in gentleness, what does that really mean? Yes, the word in the Greek does mean meek and humility. So, does that mean we are supposed to live our …

    Watch Episode 2: Gentleness
  • Breastplate of Righteousness
    Episode: 2 of 6    |    Posted on: December 29, 2023

    AN ARMOR RECAP Just like with the belt of truth, it wouldn’t be right to talk about the armor of God without first looking at the verses in the Bible where it is written. It’s important to remember that Paul …

    Watch Episode 2: Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Faithfulness
    Episode: 3 of 9    |    Posted on: May 16, 2021

    What is Faithfulness? The first thing that is important to know about faith, is what it is. We know that the Bible gives a very clear-cut definition to faith. In the book of Hebrews, the Bible has this to say …

    Watch Episode 3: Faithfulness
  • Feet Fitted with Readiness, the Armor of God Bible Speed Art by Daniel T Adams of Perhaps Today
    Feet Fitted with Readiness
    Episode: 3 of 6    |    Posted on: May 2, 2024

    Stay tuned. The blog for this video will be posted soon. Come back to read the insightful breakdown of the video.

    Watch Episode 3: Feet Fitted with Readiness
  • Goodness
    Episode: 4 of 9    |    Posted on: July 4, 2021

    GOODNESS IN THE WORD The bible speed art video for the Goodness picture takes a look at Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. So we will continue to dig deeper in that part of the Bible, as well as …

    Watch Episode 4: Goodness
  • Kindness
    Episode: 5 of 9    |    Posted on: August 8, 2021

    A KINDNESS OF ITS OWN KIND Its easy to what to hear about kindness and think that it means to just be nice. It’s what us parents tend to teach our kids. We often interchange the phrase “be kind” with …

    Watch Episode 5: Kindness
  • Patience
    Episode: 6 of 9    |    Posted on: September 5, 2021

    PRECURSOR TO PATIENCE As we’ve mentioned numerous times during this series, the fruit of the Spirit is something that needs to be understood starting with self-control and working up the list, ultimately ending with the love of God. In the …

    Watch Episode 6: Patience
  • Peace
    Episode: 7 of 9    |    Posted on: October 5, 2021

    UNDERSTANDING THE CHAOS Understanding peace, as a part of the fruit of the Spirit, really needs to begin with this one simple concept: We can never truly be at peace in this world. I know that might sound like a …

    Watch Episode 7: Peace
  • Joy
    Episode: 8 of 9    |    Posted on: November 28, 2021

    PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, …

    Watch Episode 8: Joy
  • Love
    Episode: 9 of 9    |    Posted on: February 10, 2022

    Add the description for this Speed Art here.

    Watch Episode 9: Love

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