Author: admin
The Lasting Connection
As many of you might know, this Perhaps Today community was created out of a passion I had to share the truth of the Bible with whomever would hear it. It was born during the time I had been laid off of work due to COVID and has taken a […]
Men of Honor By My Side
A Man of Honor Father’s Day of 2021 is upon us. There are many things to be thankful for when it comes to the dad’s out there. A hard worker. A provider. A protector. However, when it comes to the dad in my life, the list of thankfulness goes so […]
How to Overcome the Conflict
As many of you might already know, I have begun a Bible Speed Art series looking at the fruit of the Spirit. The first picture for Self-Control has already been released, and the speed art for the Gentleness picture will be released any day now. When we began the series, […]
How to Turn Grief Into Joy
Since Christmas of 2019, when it was announced to me that my wife was pregnant with our 2nd child, I was overjoyed and filled with anticipation to meet the little guy. After meeting with the doctors and running the pregnancy algorithms which, if I must admit, I still don’t understand […]